All water type Pokémon
Hello trainers , it 's Sacha , from Bourg Palette! If I'm not trying to become a Pokémon Master , I'm probably having fun with my best friend Pikachu . And today, I'm going to talk to you about a subject that's close to my heart: water-type Pokémon !
You know, as a future Pokémon Master, I had to face a lot of these aquatic creatures that make rain and shine. And if you're like me, you've never forgotten the first time you had to choose between Squirtle , Bulbasaur , and Charmander . Ah, nostalgia!
So float your floaties, put on your diving goggles , and adjust your swimsuits, because we're about to dive into the vast ocean of water-type Pokémon! Throughout this article, we will sail together through the seas, lakes and rivers to discover all the secrets of the aquatic Pokémon that await you.
Be ready to meet creatures as surprising as Magikarp , the most harmless Pokémon (at least, until it evolves into Gyarados ), or Psyduck , this duck with a chronic headache that can give you a real migraine . Not forgetting the legendary Lugia and Suicune who have the power to control oceans and storms .
So, grab your Poké Balls and get ready for a wet and wild adventure! Who knows, maybe at the end of this reading, you will decide to embark on an initiatory journey to become a specialist in water-type Pokémon. Come on, catch them all!
First generation
- Squirtle
- Carabaffe
- Tortank
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Lokhlass
- Staross
- Akwakwak
- Poissirene
- Poissoroy
- Stari
Second generation
- Aquali
- Hypotremus
- Hypocean
- Kaimorse
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Corayon
- Octillery
- dismantled
Third generation
- Zigzaton of Hoenn
- Lineon
- Balignon
- Chapignon
- Skitty
- Delcatty
- Tarsal
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gobou
- Flobio
- Laggron
- Tenefix
- Mysdibula
- Galekid
- Galegon
- Galeking
- Barloche
- Barbicha
- Lovdisc
- Ecrapince
- Colhomard
- Serpang
- Rosabyss
- Obalie
- Phogleur
- Kaimorse
Fourth generation
- Pachirisu
- Mustébouée
- Mustéflott
- Tic
- Click
- Cliticlic
- Blizzi
- Blizzaroi
- Coquiperl
- Serpang
- Rosabyss
- Relicanth
- Arceus Water Form
- Manaphy
- Phione
Fifth generation
- Victini
- Poichigeon
- Colombeau
- Déflaisan
- Tritonde
- Batracne
- Crapustule
- Mamanbo
- Barpau
- Milobellus
- Viskuse
- Moyade
- Keldeo Normal Form
- Keldeo Decided Form
Sixth generation
- Grenousse
- Croaporal
- Amphinobi
- Alolan Poissirene
- Alolan Poissoroy
- Alolan Stari
- Alolan Staross
- Alolan Barbicha
- Fluvetin
- Cocotine
- Sucroquin
- Cupcanaille
- Sepiatop
- Sepiatroce
- Alolan Tentacool
- Alolan Tentacruel
- Gungoose
- Gamblast
- Clamiral
- Diancie Shiny Form
Seventh generation
- Brindibou
- Arrow
- Archeduc
- Otaquin
- Otarlette
- Oratory
- Chelors
- Sinistrail
- Alola Vorastery
- Alolan Viskuse
- Alola Moyad
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Froussardine
- Crowning Vorastery
- Snowcrowned Viskuse
- Moyade of Couronneige
Eighth generation
- Nigosier
- Draïeul
- Sancoki
- Fermite
- Tritox
- Malamander
- Galarian Chiffy
- Pavoskwa
- Torgamord
Conclusion on water-type Pokémon
And there you have it, friends, our journey through the fascinating world of water-type Pokémon has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed this dive into the depths and came away with a better understanding of these aquatic creatures that are an integral part of the Pokémon universe.
These water-type Pokémon have shown us that they can be as fierce as they are gentle , as surprising as they are familiar, and above all, that they are essential to any good self-respecting trainer. Whether you prefer to view them on a peaceful sea voyage or are ready to brave the storms to face them, remember that each Pokémon has its own story to share.
So, don't hesitate to set out to conquer the oceans, rivers and lakes to expand your collection of water-type Pokémon and get to know them. After all, as our favorite Professor Chen says so well: "A good trainer is one who creates strong bonds with his Pokémon, whatever their type ."
Finally, don't forget to stay tuned for the next adventures and discoveries that we will share on this blog. Because as I always say: “Catch ’em all!”
See you soon for new aquatic adventures, dear trainers, and may your passion for water-type Pokémon continue to make waves ! It was Sacha, and I tell you: see you next time!