Names and surnames for a turtle
Welcome everyone to the Mer Aux Trésors blog, where we talk about all things marine animals, underwater adventures and even turtle names! Yes, you heard correctly, today we are going to look at a very important topic for any turtle owner: how to find the perfect name for your little scaly friend!
We all know that turtles are fascinating creatures. They are known for their longevity, their resistant shell and their legendary slowness. But what many people don't know is that turtles also have unique and endearing personalities, just like us humans . That's why it's essential to find a name that suits them, reflects their individuality and lives up to their incredible charm.
Are you looking for a turtle that doesn't slow down your pace? Discover our collection dedicated to turtles ! 🐢
Of course, finding the perfect name for a turtle is no easy task. You can't just pick a random name out of a hat and assign it to your little shelled creature. No no no ! Finding the perfect name for a turtle is a subtle art that requires thought, creativity and a lot of love.
But don't worry, we're here to help you find the perfect name for your beloved turtle. We've put together an incredible list of inspiring, funny, and sometimes even wacky turtle names that will help you find the perfect name for your scaly friend. So, hold on tight, get your pencils and papers ready and let us guide you through the wonderful world of turtle names!
Famous turtle names 🐢
Franklin : this turtle is famous for having inspired a series of children's books. Franklin is a little shy and awkward, but he is always willing to help his friends. He is also known for his dome-shaped helmet, which makes him look very serious (or a little too serious, according to some).
Michelangelo : Although not a real turtle, Michelangelo is one of the main characters in the "Ninja Turtles" cartoon series. He's known for being a bit...odd, with a fondness for pizza and a rather questionable sense of humor. But despite everything, his martial arts skills and fighting spirit make him a beloved hero.
Speedy : this tortoise is famous for beating a hare in a famous fable. Contrary to his reputation, Speedy is actually a rather lazy turtle, who prefers to take his time and do things at his own pace.
Crush : This sea turtle was made famous in the animated film Finding Nemo. Crush is a cool and relaxed surfer, with an Australian accent that many people will fall for. He is also known for his wise advice and infinite patience, even when faced with a nervous little fish like Nemo.
Yertle : This turtle is famous for being the star of a Dr. Seuss children's book. Yertle is a megalomaniacal turtle king, who wants to rule over all other animals. But when he tries to build a throne on the backs of his subjects, he ends up getting knocked down and falling into the mud. Moral of the story: don't be too ambitious.
Bowser : this turtle is famous for being Mario's sworn enemy in the video games of the "Super Mario Bros" series. Bowser is a little clumsy, but he is best known for his enormous shell and his insatiable appetite for princesses.
Sammy : This sea turtle was made famous in the animated film "Sammy's Adventures." Sammy is an intrepid adventurer, who travels the oceans in search of adventure and love. But despite his reckless attitude, he always remains calm and optimistic.
Squirtle : This turtle is famous for being one of the first Pokémon in the "Pokémon" video game series. Squirtle is cute and charming, but he is best known for his ability to throw water at his enemies.
Shelley : This turtle is famous for being Miranda's pet in the television series "Sex and the City". Shelley is a freshwater turtle, who is often neglected and mistreated by Miranda. But despite everything, she remains loyal and affectionate towards her owner.
Gamera : This giant turtle is famous for being the star of a series of Japanese kaiju films. Gamera is a giant flying turtle, who uses his powers to defend Earth from alien monsters. But despite his imposing size, he is often seen as a clumsy and somewhat ridiculous hero.
Names and surnames for a female turtle 🐢
Gaia : This name is inspired by the Greek goddess of the Earth, and is perfect for a turtle who loves to explore their natural environment.
Zoya : a name of Russian origin meaning "life", perfect for a turtle who is full of energy and vitality.
Saffron : this name comes from the spice, known for its golden color. This is an ideal choice for a turtle that has a golden shell or has yellow undertones to its skin.
Iris : This name is inspired by the flower, which is often associated with beauty and wisdom. It is perfect for a turtle who is elegant and calm.
Ophelia : this name is inspired by the Shakespearean character, known for her beauty and fragility. It is an ideal choice for a turtle that is graceful and delicate.
Hazel : This name is inspired by color, and is perfect for a turtle that has a brown shell or has shades of this color on its skin.
Juno : This name is inspired by the Roman goddess of marriage and family, and is perfect for a turtle who is gentle and affectionate.
Luna : This name is inspired by the moon, and is perfect for a turtle who is nocturnal and likes to go out at night.
Lyra : This name is inspired by the lyre constellation, and is perfect for a turtle who is melodious and loves to sing.
Kaida : This name means "little dragon" in Japanese, and is perfect for a turtle who has a strong and courageous personality.
Tilly : A short and sweet name that would be perfect for a turtle that is small and charming.
Athena : This name is inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, and is perfect for a turtle who is intelligent and strong.
Poppy : a name inspired by the flower, known for its beauty and fragility. It is an ideal choice for a turtle that is elegant and delicate.
Lilo : this name is inspired by the main character of the animated film “Lilo and Stitch”. This is an ideal choice for a turtle who is playful and has an adventurous temperament.
Calliope : This name is inspired by the Greek muse of epic poetry, and is perfect for a turtle who is creative and expressive.
Willow : This name is inspired by the tree, known for its flexibility and resilience. This is an ideal choice for a turtle that is agile and likes to explore its environment.
Nyx : This name is inspired by the Greek goddess of the night, and is perfect for a turtle who is nocturnal and likes to come out at night.
Pixel : a modern and original name that would be perfect for a turtle who has a lively and colorful personality.
Athenaïs : this name is inspired by the Byzantine queen, known for her beauty and wisdom. It is an ideal choice for a turtle who is elegant and intelligent.
Blaze : a name inspired by fire, which would be perfect for a turtle that has a red shell or has shades of this color on its skin.

First and last names for a male turtle 🐢
- Leo
- Raphael
- Donatello
- Michelangelo
- Goliath
- Tank
- Spike
- Brutus
- Rocky
- Tyson
- Hercules
- Titan
- Zeus
- Apollo
- Axl
- Thor
- Odin
- Loki
- Frey
- Freya
- Jotun
- Frost
- Frosty
- Blaze
- Blazej
- Flare
- Inferno
- Flame
- Phoenix
- Falcon
- Hawk
- Eagle
- Zeus
- Apollo
- March
- Jupiter
- Neptune
- Saturn
- Pluto
- Orion
- Hunter
- Thor
- Odin
- Loki
- Frey
- Freya
- Jotun
- Frost
- Frosty
- Blaze
- Blazej
- Flare
- Inferno
- Flame
- Phoenix
- Falcon
- Hawk
- Eagle
- Zeus
- Apollo
- March
- Jupiter
- Neptune
- Saturn
- Pluto
- Orion
- Hunter
- Thor
- Odin
- Loki
- Frey
- Freya
- Jotun
- Frost
- Frosty
- Blaze
- Blazej
- Flare
- Inferno
- Flame
- Phoenix
- Falcon
- Hawk
- Eagle
- Zeus
- Apollo
- March
- Jupiter
- Neptune
- Saturn
- Pluto
- Orion
- Hunter
- Thor
- Odin
- Loki
- Frey
- Freya
- Jotun
- Frost

Funny names for a turtle 🐢
- Totoiseau
- Turtley McTurtleface
- Shell-don
- Tortuga de la Muerte (inspired by the Turtle of Death, a comic book character)
- Sir Reginald Shellington III
- Shelly Long (inspired by American actress Shelley Long)
- Slowpoke Rodriguez (inspired by a Looney Tunes cartoon character)
- Turt Reynolds (inspired by American actor Burt Reynolds)
- Donatello (inspired by the Ninja Turtle character)
- Flash (ironic because turtles are often associated with slowness)
- Michelangela (inspired by the famous artist Michelangelo, but with a little twist to make it more appropriate for a turtle)
- Sheldon (inspired by the character from the series "The Big Bang Theory", who is also a turtle in the series' comic strip)
- Turtletaub (a combination of the words "turtle" and "Taub", which may be a surname)
- Turtleneck (a pun on "turtle" and "turtleneck", a type of sweater that covers the neck)
- Terry the Turtle (a simple but effective name for a pet turtle)

Historical and fictional names 🐢
The names "Tom", "Dick", and "Harry" were the first Galapagos tortoises that naturalist Charles Darwin collected; These names work well if you have a trio of turtles. Or, if you have four turtles, the ever-popular quartet of "Ninja Turtles" might be an obvious choice. From Godzilla and Pokémon to "Dr. Seuss" and "Finding Nemo," there are plenty of references you can use.
- Br'er Turtle
- Churchy LeFemme
- Crush
- Donatello
- Franklin
- Fudukazi
- Gamera
- Leonardo
- Mack
- Michelangelo
- Mock Turtle
- Mudface
- Raphael
- Squirt
- Squirtle
- Toby the Turtle
- Tom, Dick and Harry
- torture
- Verne
- Yertle
Names for a turtle from A to Z 🐢
- Adalbert
- Adalyn
- Adelle
- Adonis
- Adora
- Aja
- Akira
- Alaric
- Alistair
- Althea
- Ambrose
- Amos
- Anais
- Anakin
- Anastasia
- Andrew
- Angus
- Anika
- Apollo
- April
- Aquila
- Aramis
- Archer
- Aria
- Aristotle
- Bailey
- Bali
- Bandit
- Basil
- Baxter
- Beatrice
- Beautiful
- Bella
- Beautiful
- Benedict
- Benji
- Bernard
- Berry
- Bianca
- Billie
- Biscuit
- Blackie
- Blake
- White
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bob
- Bode
- Boomer
- Boots
- Cactus
- Cade
- Caesar
- Caleb
- Cali
- Calista
- Calliope
- Calvin
- Camila
- Campbell
- Candace
- Candy
- Capris
- Caramel
- Carla
- Carly
- Carmine
- Caroline
- Carson
- Casey
- Cassie
- Cedric
- Celia
- Sweet whipped cream
- Charisma
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Damaris
- Daphne
- Darcy
- Darla
- Darwin
- Dash
- Davina
- Dawson
- Delaney
- Delilah
- Demeter
- Half
- Denver
- Desiree
- destiny
- Dexter
- Diamond
- Dillon
- Dino
- Diva
- Dolly
- Ebony
- Echo
- Eden
- Edith
- Edmond
- Edward
- Effie
- Eileen
- Eira
- Elaina
- Elaine
- Eleanor
- Electra
- Elena
- Elijah
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- She
- Ellen
- Ellie
- Elsa
- Elsie
Are you looking for a piece of jewelry that won't be slow as a turtle? Take a look at our turtle bracelets ! 🐢
- Faith
- Fallon
- Fanny
- Farrah
- Fatima
- Felix
- Fern
- Ferris
- Fidel
- Fifi
- Finn
- Fiona
- Flora
- Florence
- Floyd
- Ford
- Forest
- Fortune
- Foster
- Fox
- Francesca
- Francine
- Franklin
- Fred
- Freya
- Pledge
- Galileo
- Gatsby
- Gemini
- Genesis
- George
- Georgia
- Geraldine
- Gia
- Gideon
- Gilbert
- Gilda
- ginger
- Giselle
- Gizmo
- Gladys
- glory
- Goldie
- Gomez
- Gordon
- Grace
- Grace
- Graham
- Grayson
- Rig
- Hadley
- Halle
- Hamilton
- Hamish
- Hank
- harley
- Harper
- Harriet
- Harrison
- Harvey
- Hazel
- Hector
- Heidi
- Helen
- Helga
- Hendrix
- Henrietta
- Henry
- Hera
- Hermes
- hero
- Hilda
- Holly
- Homer
- Honey
- Iago
- Ian
- Icarus
- Ida
- Idris
- Igor
- Ike
- Iliana
- Imogen
- Indigo
- Ingrid
- Iris
- Isaac
- Isabel
- Isadora
- Isis
- Ivan
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jabba
- Jacinda
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jaclyn
- Jacob
- Jade
- Jagger
- Jaida
- Jaina
- Jake
- James
- Jamie
- Janice
- Janie
- Jarvis
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Jaycee
- Jayden
- Jasmine
- Jeanette
- Jed
- Jeffrey
- Jemma
- Kade
- Kai
- Kaitlyn
- Kale
- Kaleb
- Kali
- Kamila
- Kamryn
- Kara
- Karen
- Karina
- Karissa
- Kasey
- Kate
- Katerina
- Kathleen
- Kathryn
- Katie
- Katrina
- Kate
- Kay
- Kayden
- Kayla
- Keira
- Kelly
- Lacey
- Lachlan
- Lady
- Lake
- Laila
- Lamar
- Lambert
- Lamont
- Spear
- Landen
- Landry
- Langston
- Lara
- Lark
- Larry
- Lars
- Lassie
- Latte
- Laura
- Laurel
- Lauren
- Lavender
- Laverna
- Lawrence
- Layla
- Mac
- Mackenzie
- Macy
- Maddie
- Madison
- Mae
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Maisie
- Malachi
- Malia
- Mallory
- Mandy
- Mango
- Manny
- Mara
- Marcella
- Marco
- Marcus
- Margin
- Margot
- Mariah
- Married
- Marilyn
- Marina
- Nadia
- Nala
- Nancy
- Naomi
- Napoleon
- Natalie
- Natasha
- Nellie
- Neptune
- Nessa
- Nestor
- Nevaeh
- Neville
- Newt
- Newton
- Nia
- Nico
- Nicola
- Nigel
- Nikki
- Nina
- Noah
- Noelle
- Nolan
- Oakley
- Octavia
- Odin
- Odysseus
- Olive
- Oliver
- Olivia
- Olympia
- Onyx
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Oprah
- Oracle
- Orlando
- Orville
- Oscar
- Osiris
- Othello
- Otis
- Otto
- Ozzie
- Pablo
- Paisley
- Paloma
- Pamela
- Pandora
- Paris
- Parker
- Pascal
- Pasha
- Patsy
- Paul
- Paula
- Pearl
- Pebbles
- Peter
- Pele
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Percy
- Persephone
- Petra
- Peyton
- Phantom
- Phoebe
- Quade
- Quan
- Queenie
- Quill
- Quincy
- Quinn
- Rafael
- Rainbow
- Raine
- Rajah
- Ralph
- Ramona
- Ramsey
- Rania
- Raphael
- Raven
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reagan
- Red
- Reed
- Reese
- Regina
- Remi
- Remington
- Renata
- Renee
- Renny
- Rex
- Rhett
- Rhiannon
- Sabrina
- Wise
- Sahara
- Sailor
- Sally
- Sat
- Samantha
- Samson
- Sandy
- Santiago
- Sapphire
- Sarah
- Sarah
- Sari
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Saul
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Scout
- Sebastian
- Selena
- Serena
- Seth
- Seven
- Tabitha
- Taco
- Tad
- Tahoe
- Tallulah
- Tamara
- Tamsin
- Tania
- Tanner
- Tanya
- Tate
- Tatiana
- Tatum
- Taylor
- Teagan
- teddy
- Templeton
- Tennessee
- Terrence
- Tess
- Thalia
- Theo
- Theodora
- Theodore
- Theresa
- Ugo
- Uma
- Uriah
- Ursula
- Valentina
- Valerie
- Vanna
- Vaughn
- Vega
- Velvet
- Venus
- Vera
- Vernon
- Veronica
- Vesper
- Vicente
- Victor
- Victoria
- Vienna
- Viggo
- viking
- Vince
- Purple
- Virginia
- Vito
- Viva
- Vivian
- Vixen
- Wade
- Walker
- Wallace
- Walter
- Wanda
- Warren
- Watson
- Waylon
- Wesley
- Westley
- Whiskers
- Whiskey
- Whitney
- Wilbur
- Wilder
- Wiley
- Wilfred
- Will
- William
- Willow
- Wilson
- Winnie
- Winston
- Winter
- Wren
- Xander
- Xanthe
- Xavier
- Xenia
- Xerxes
- Yale
- Yasmin
- Yoda
- Yoko
- York
- Yoshi
- Yuma
- Zachary
- Zelda
- Zenon
- Zeus
- Zia
- Ziggy
- Ziva
- Zoe
- Zoey
- Zorro
Conclusion on first and last names for a turtle 🐢
In short, choosing a name for your turtle is an important step, because it reflects your bond and affection towards your little shelled companion . Throughout this article, we have explored various options for names and surnames for turtles, ranging from classics to the most original, including those inspired by nature , mythology or pop culture . It is essential to choose a name that you like and that matches your turtle's personality, in order to strengthen your connection with him.
Remember that a turtle can live a long time, and the name you choose will stay with it for many years. Take the time to think carefully and review the suggestions in this article to help you make the best decision . Eventually, your turtle's name will become an integral part of your daily life and your memories with him.
Do you want to know all the marine animals without having to dive into the ocean? Our blog has what you need! 🐢
Whatever name you choose for your turtle, remember that the love, care and attention you give it are the most important elements in ensuring its health and happiness. We hope this article has inspired you and helped you find the perfect name for your precious shelled companion. Good luck in your adventure with your turtle and don't hesitate to share with us the name you chose in the comments!